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  • What is muscle testing?
    Muscle testing (Neuromuscular Biofeedback) is a test that uses a person's muscle response to a particular stimulus in order to determine the physical, chemical and energetic state of the body. How a person's brain and nervous system responds to specific stimulus can show: - Nutritional deficiencies - Bone misalignment - Pathogenic activity - Food sensitivities - Allergies - Blocks in acupuncture system - State of the immune system - Ideal dosing of supplements Free Nerve Endings (FNE) are receptors on the skin responsible for carrying messages to sensory neurons, to the spine and up to the brain via afferent nerve fibres. The brain interprets the stimulus and sends a reply out via the efferent fibres towards peripheral effector organs like glands and muscles. This way, testing is instant, accurate and specific to the current state of the body. [VIDEO COMING SOON]
  • Do you accept insurance?
    Short answer: Yes. We are covered by most insurance companies under "Registered Nutritionist". Not covered by your insurance company? We believe that you should still consider working with us! We strive to support our clients along their health journey to feeling better using a specific and custom approach. If you've ever felt that you've tried "everything", then you've come to the right place. We believe in helping the whole body. Each Quantum Natural Medicine Appointment is a total value of almost $1,200.00. As we cover some of the following treatments and testing options: $150.00 average - Chiropractic adjustments $ 75.00 average - Acupuncture visit $ 200.00 average - Osteopathic adjustments $ 100.00 average - Energy balancing $ 500.00 average - Genetic testing $ 300.00 average - Food allergy & intolerance testing (IGG/ IGG) We offer answers to your health concerns, accurate testing and supplement protocols designed for your needs. No need to waste money on specialists, fad diets, or supplements that don't work. We provide ANSWERS and RESULTS. Check out our success stories to see how we've helped others heal on their own journeys.
  • How are you different from a Dietician or other Nutritionists?
    Dieticians and Nutritionists are very different. In our clinic, we believe every individual body has unique nutritional requirements. These are based on genetics, active infections, digestive distress, mental-emotional stress and food intolerances. We do hands-on testing to uncover, with precise detail, exactly what nutrients are missing. We also test the form and dosage required for the individual to clear deficiencies. ZERO guessing involved. NO WAITING on test results. Our recommendations are specific and tailored to your current needs. We don't believe in generalized suggestions, meaning you'll always receive custom care. Additionally, by providing care that's specific to your needs, you'll never have to waste more money on purchasing generic supplements again. Finally, you can focus on giving your body what it truly needs and starting healing. Lastly, we use the following supplementary modalities, when needed, to address health issues in our clients: - Acupressure - Structural alignment (osteopathic / chiropractic adjustments) - Mind-body work - Light therapy
  • Why do you call your technique "Precision Medicine"?
    Precision medicine is the ability to test the body's current biochemical state and uncover: - Hidden nutritional deficiencies - Food allergies & intolerances - Genetic issues - Immune function - Presence of active or chronic infection The tests provide immediate and accurate results through neurological feedback testing via main muscle groups. [VIDEO COMING SOON]
  • What health and safety guidelines do you follow?
    The health and safety of our clients and practitioners are a top priority. We believe in creating a clean and safe environment for all. Some our guidelines include: - Mandatory pre-screening questionnaire - Mandatory masks for both practitioners and clients - Hand-washing protocol upon entry - Cleaning and sanitizing of all frequently touched surfaces using non-toxic and eco-friendly products - Distancing of clients and spacing out appointment times - Large, openly spaced clinic for better ventilation and air-flow
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